Farewell & a new beginning

Dear Valued Client,

After 20 years I have decided to retire from the business and hand the reins and the website over to the manufacturer of the very best door safety products - Arte Viva B.V. in Holland whom we have happily represented since our inception all those years ago.

They are not only the manufacturer of amazing safety products, but over the years they have become fantastic colleagues to both myself and my brother Declan who sadly passed away in May of this year.

I know you will be in very good hands with Arte Viva because they always looked after our needs which in turn allowed us to take good care of our valued customers.

Delivery times and prices will more or less remain the same with the introduction of a minimum order.  As the product will be coming directly from the manufacturer in Holland there will be a moderate increase in the delivery charge. You will receive the greatest of attention from Arte Viva who I know will support you just as well as we did if indeed not better. 

Thank you for your business and support over the years and I wish you all well.

Kindest regards,

David Power

The new number for contacting Finger Protection is now +353 (01) 9038661 and the email address remains the same info@fingerprotection.ie

Another payout to young school girl who trapped her finger in the door at Dublin school

Reported in yesterday’s Irish Independent was the case where a young Dublin school girl was awarded €10,000 by a Dublin district court judge for an injury caused by the door in her school after she caught her finger badly in it. The girl’s mother sued the school for the injuries suffered two and a half years ago.

See following link to report of this incident: https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/courts/girl-who-stunted-finger-after-she-caught-it-in-school-door-awarded-10000-38899148.html

The first one SKG-IKOB certified

Just announced - Our PRO strips have become the world's first door safety strip guards to have obtained the highly sought after SKG-IKOB product certificate. In our humble opinion they are now regarded as the best and most durable finger protection door guards on the market compared to our competitors products. 

If you have a school, a creche, a restaurant or retail outlet etc that needs to prevent fingers from becoming trapped in your doors and thereby avoiding serious injuries and expensive claims, then these are what you need. Please see our product pages for more information. 


PRO Wide Strip

Guidance to selecting the right door safety strip

I get many calls looking for advice as to what Finger Protection door safety strip is required for their specific door. In general the products we supply are generic and very easy DIY install. But there is a decision to be made as to which type, and indeed if both sides of the door jamb need to be covered. 

I created a HELP page to ahem! help people to select the right product for their needs. It is a very simple flowchart with a YES or a NO response required, to eventually guide you down the chart to the product most suitable. It is uncomplicated and results in you selecting a cloud at the bottom with your product and price per unit already inclusive of VAT (but excluding delivery which is an extra €8.99 no matter the quantity). Click this cloud and it brings you to the information page for it and also has the add to cart button if you wish to proceed and purchase online. 

I believe this will aid people greatly in picking the right finger pinch guard for their door, however always remember that if feel you need more information or have any questions whatsoever you can always call me on my mobile 086 3845423 which I answer most of the time but if not on the odd occasion, please do leave a clear voicemail including your number (say the number a couple of times just to be sure I hear it) and I will be sure to call you back. Or even text me too if you prefer. 

More & more cases of children being awarded costs for finger injury suffered while attending creches

Last year 2016 there were several stories in the Irish media about children in crèches catching, trapping, pinching their fingers in the doors with the end result that payments from €20000 to €40000 being made against the crèches by the courts. 



We have been selling Finger Protection Safety Door Guards (door shields) for the door jambs and hinges for fifteen years now, and I can say without a doubt that those in charge of schools, crèches, Montessori’s and public buildings over the last few years have become much more proactive in taking preventative action for this type of accident. I would get many more enquires now about our products from those that have never had any such nasty door & finger injury take place on their premises and that they are just much more aware of the dangers that the door jambs present, particularly to children, whether it is because of the media reports such as in the links above, or from health & safety advisors or inspectors within their industry.

girl bleeding finger.png

Either way it makes a massive change to when we first started selling the Finger Protectors (otherwise known as pinch guards to our American friends) when the majority of calls we received were after the accident and that our door safety products where now required urgently to stop anything happening again in the future. I would still get calls like this but nowhere close to the amount back then. 

If I was to give advice to anyone planning on kitting their doors out with Finger Protectors I would say don’t neglect even one door. Cover them all because experience tells me that it is that one door you decided could go without that catches the finger and makes all your hard work and money well spent now seem as if it was for nothing in the end. Some who read this will know exactly what I am talking about. 

Remember – 15 children each week in Ireland have to attend a hospital to receive emergency surgery to their fingers that they trapped in the door. This figure does not take into account those that attended their doctor or local clinic for a maybe less serious finger injury caused by the door, but based on UK statistics my guess is that it is in and around 60 children a week. It is simply not worth the risk – cover those door jambs and avoid the worry. 

Finger Protection New Website

Took me quite awhile to get around to it but finally it's here. A new website for 2017 that gives a much better understanding and explanation of the door safety strips that cover the wide and narrow door jamb gaps that is basically the foundation of Finger Protection Ireland. 

The site is now optimised to allow me add more child proofing products early in 2017 and has an efficient shopping cart to allow for easy adding and removing of our child safety products from your virtual basket. 

I truly believe we are the primary go to site for Irish Schools and Creches who need to prevent children in their care from trapping their fingers in the door jambs and I hope that this new site design matches up to our growing reputation within the childproofing products industry.

If you have any feedback about the website I would love to hear it so please feel free to contact me in relation to this.

Prevention is the best cure

“Prevention is the best cure” an expression we have all heard. A week doesn’t go by when I don’t receive an email or a phone call enquiring about the Finger Protection door safety product from someone who has had a door injury related incident. Many of them are not too serious but certainly enough to set the alarm bells ringing and a desperate hunt for a product that can prevent people from accidentally sticking their fingers into the door frame gaps. We tend to think of doors slamming closed on our poor fingers as being the only possible way to cause damage to our poor precious fingers, but we neglect to think that it is all so easy for us to also get nasty injuries when our fingers slip into the gaps between the door edge and door frame both on the hinge side and the doorjamb side. I would encourage all professional administration people and ordinary householders to childproof and adult proof the doors in their buildings and avoid unnecessary injury and in some cases insurance claims against them.

There are quite a few good Irish companies that supply safety products for the home, crèche, schools, restaurants, and public buildings. All our extremely worthy of good advice and valuable product information. I would note too from looking at prices on the internet that it is better to source these products within Ireland. This also has the added advantage of better after-sales care if required.